Cama-i Dance Festival 2019

March 29 – 31st

“Ilakluta Ataucitun Yurartukut ~ Together We Dance as One”
Dedicated to Walter Lewis, Chefornak
Sponsored by the Bethel Council on the Arts

Friday, 29th: Doors open at 5:00 pm; Dancing 5:30 p.m. to midnight
Saturday, 30th: Doors open at 11:30 am; Dancing 12 noon – midnight
Sunday, 31st: Doors open at 12:30 pm; Dancing 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Local: * Bethel Traditional Dancers * Ayaprun Elitnaurvik
* Yurartet Dancers * Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat
* Kuskokwim Campus Dancers * Gladys Jung Cranes
* Delta Illusion Dancers * Kuskokwim L. A. Dancers
* BRHS Warriors Dancers * BRHS JROTC Rifle Drill
Regional: * Chefornak Dancers * Kwethluk Dancers
* Scammon Bay Dancers * Tuluksak Wolverine Dancers
Alaska: * Tikigaq Traditional Dancers – Point Hope
* Anchorage Rainbow Dancers
National: * Jesse LeBeau – Inspiring Hoops
* Stanford Steppers – Stanford University, California
International: * Samson Brothers and Family Hoop Dancers – Seneca/Mvskoke
Additional Activities:
* Native Arts & Craft Sales * Place of Memory * Heart of the Drums
* Miss Camai Pageant
* Y-K Delta Memoriam Sat evening – send photos (with Yup’ik and English names;
dates-birth and death; village) to Loddie at
*** Fur Fashion Show * Quilt Raffle
* “Up Close & Personal” Seminars to learn about the dances and groups
* “Smile Alaska Style” – YKHC free dental check-ups Sat. March 30th
* Native Foods Dinner Sat. March 30th 4-7 pm free for everyone! Please DONATE food.
* Lion’s Pancake Breakfast – Sunday March 31st 10 am
* Live Web cam at plus see past Cama-i Festivals
Call: Minnie at 543-1835
TO VOLUNTEER: Contact Jody Drew: 545-0580 call – text
Name, contact information and where you would like to help

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